Useful Information on 3 Basic Components of Arabic Language
Grammar and parts of speech are important domains of language learning. Mastering any language without developing grammar skills is nearly impossible. The Arabic language is no different from the rest. Arabic grammar and parts of speech are the pillars of Arabic language learning. In this blog post, you will learn 3 basic components of Arabic language. You can consider them the most significant part of Arabic grammar. So, without wasting any time, let’s dig into the topic.
Some people might think that learning Arabic grammar is really difficult, but, I assure you that it is not. The only reason one thinks Arabic grammar is difficult is its unfamiliarity. Once you break this barrier, you will see the wonders of Arabic grammar. And the easiest way is to spend as much time with the Arabic language.
Basic Components of Arabic language
Arabic grammar has 3 basic components or parts of speech. They are:
- Noun اسْم
- Verb فِعْل
- Particle حَرْف

We all know that ‘Noun‘ is the most common component of any language. The same goes for the Arabic Language. The word ‘Noun’ is called اسْم (ism) in Arabic.
A noun is a kind of word that describes the name of a person, place, animal, or thing.
The noun only expresses some meaning. It does not have any tense.
رَجُلٌ (man), وَلَدٌ (boy), بِنْتٌ (girl)
مَدْرَسَةٌ (school), بَيْتٌ (house), مَسْجِدٌ (mosque)
قِطٌ (cat), كَلْبٌ (dog), حِمَارٌ (donkey)
كِتَابٌ (book), قَلَمٌ (pen), سَبُّوْرَةٌ (board)
In addition, the noun has different kinds and signs to identify which are discussed in a separate article. Go check the article if you want a deeper understanding of nouns.
Arabic sentences starting with the Noun is called ‘nominal sentence’.
Verb فِعْل :
The verb also serves as one of the main pillars of any language. In Arabic, Verb is a called فِعْل . The verb is a kind of word that describes an action that happened in past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future.
So, a verb is a word that describes any action with a tense; past, present, or future. Moreover, the verb is classified into four basic types; past, present, imperative command, and negative command.
Arabic sentences starting with the verb is called ‘verbal sentence’.
ذَهَبَ (He went), نَصَرَ (He helped),
يذَهَبَ (He goes), ينَصَرَ (He helps),
سَيذَهَبَ (He will go), سَينَصَرَ (He will help)
Particle حَرْف:
Particle is also one of the 3 basic components of Arabic language. A particle in Arabic is called حَرْف. It is a kind of word that cannot express a clear sense of it unless that particle is used with a noun or verb or both.
e.g. مِنْ (from), عَلَى (on),
Now, the above two words مِنْ (from), and عَلَى (on) are particles whose meanings are known, but still, these two words cannot create any sense unless these are used with a Noun or a Verb.
For instance, the particle مِنْ (from) will express its true meaning if it is used in a sentence or phrase with a Noun, like مِنْ المسجدِ (from the mosque). Now, after attaching the particle مِنْ with the noun المسجدِ, it is creating sense.
Similarly, the particle الى (to/towards) will express its true sense if it is used in a sentence or phrase with a verb, like, ذَهّبّ الى المدرسة (He went to the school). Now, after attaching the particle الى with the verb ذَهّبّ, it is creating sense.
If you want more clarity on the 3 basic components of Arabic Language, you can watch a short video where I have discussed the three kinds of words with examples.